Description of the Festival's sections:
Section 1
In the "Open-air" performances section - the choirs are required
to perform a 20-30 minute program of their choice at several outdoor
public locations. The "Open-air performances" are part of the Opening
ceremony and their main goal is to attract the attention of wider
public to the festival. The songs performed in this section can be
the also performed in other festival sections.
Section 2
To participate in the Competition section, the choirs are required
to perform a 15 (±2) minute program of their choice. Although, it is
strongly recommended for the program to contain different styles of
choral music and contain at least one composition by a Macedonian composer.
Since the program is intended to be vocal only, we will only allow you to
have one or at most two compositions accompanied by instrument(s) which will
last not longer then 5 minutes at whole. The performances will be monitored
by an expert jury that will rank the choirs on different aspects of choral
performance. According to the jury the chors will be awarded with diplomas:
- below 70 points: diploma for participation
- 70 to 79,99 points: diploma for III prize
- 80 to 89.99 points: diploma for II prize
- 90 to 100 points: diploma for I prize
The choirs will be divided in several categories and subcategories:
- Category A - children's choirs
(2/3 of the participants must be 15 or younger)
- Category B - youth choirs
(2/3 of the participants must be 25 or younger)
- Category C - adult choirs
(1/3 of the participants must be older than 25)
Subcategories for categories B & C may be added if the number of
interested choirs in either of these categories is more than expected.
The best choirs selected by the jury will perform at the final concert
where they will compete for the Grand Prix of the Festival. The winner
will be awarded with diploma: "Grand Prix: the best choir on the festival".
Section 3
The Folk music section is not competitive. The program must contain choral
arrangements of folk songs or motives. The program should last 7-12 minutes.
The choirs can be accompanied by instrument(s).
Section 4
The Sacred music section is not competitive. The program must contain sacred
songs. The program should last 7-12 minutes.
Section 5
The Pop music section is not competitive. The program must contain choral
arrangements of pop songs. The program should last 7-12 minutes. The choir
can be accompanied by instrument(s).
For all festival sections except the "open-air" performances only piano
will be provided by the festival.