Ohrid Choir Festival: Archive 2011

Chamber Choir “Cantica laetitia”

Zlín, Czech Republic

Josef Surovík - conductor
Jan Nowak - piano
Tomáš Geryk - violin
Martin Nosek - solo vocal

Competition Section

Title Composer Lyrics
Fac ut ardeat cor meum Giovanni Battista Pargolesi from Stabat Mater
Má hvězda Bedřich Smetana Bedřich Peška
Radujsja Bogorodice Zapro Zaprov Orthodox spiritual
Tovačovský hatě arr. Milan Uherek Folk poetry
Gorale arr. Jan Vičar Highlanders´ motives

Sacred Section

Title Composer Lyrics
Hymnus Otmar Mácha Jan Ámos Komenský
Ave Maria Arvid Platpers  

The chamber choir “Cantica laetitia” was founded in 2004, like a selective organ of the children´s choir “Cantica” Zlín. There sing largely the singers in the choir, who attended the children´s choir. This representative group takes part in the most prestigious matters of the choir, for example: birthday concert for Tomáš Baťa in the Spanish Hall of the Prague Castle; and the first night of the composition “Carohrátky” by Zdeněk Lukáš, dedicated to DPS Cantica, which Cantica laetitia performed at the opening concert of the international festival “Spring is opening” with the Prize of Zdeněk Lukáš in Kroměříž. In spite of the short time it’s been working, the choir has won prizes at international festivals. Among the most interesting belong:

  • 31. International May Choir competition Varna (May 2009) - 3rd place in chamber choirs´ choirs
  • Festival of musical arts Jihlava – competition of chamber choirs (June 2010) - 1st place and a special prize for an execution of selection from cycle Jarní Kolotoč by Klement Slavický and a composition by Jan Vičar, Škaredý holky
  • Krakow Advent and Christmas Choir festival (December 2010) - 1st place and winning the golden angel in chamber choirs´ category
Not only owing to its success, but also thanks to the prizes which have been won by DPS Cantica in the past, the Cantica laetitia choir has quickly become known by the professional public. The repertoire of the choir covers mostly music of Czech composers living in the 20th century. The choir conductor is Josef Surovík and accompanied on the piano by Jan Nowak.

Josef SurovíkChamber Choir “Cantica laetitia”Chamber Choir “Cantica laetitia”Chamber Choir “Cantica laetitia”Chamber Choir “Cantica laetitia”Chamber Choir “Cantica laetitia”

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